
OvercomeOutloud Ep.15 JC Foundation

Episode Summary

In this truly inspiring episode Charlie gets the chance to sit down with Rebecca and Rose Castro and talk about their powerful journey of overcoming the tragic loss of their brother and son to a heroin overdose in April 2017. They share openly about the deep love the have for Jeremy ,the pain of his loss, and their journey to turn his passing into a powerful and meaningful mission to help other young men and women find recovery. They stand on the front lines not only fighting the stigma of addiction but supporting others get the help they need to survive and thrive. You will not want to miss the lessons they teach us all about service, compassion and resilience. Jeremy Castro Foundation is a non-profit organization based in the Thousand Oaks region dedicated to helping families and individuals struggling with substance abuse. Because drug addiction is considered a taboo, many individuals and families hide their struggles from their communities, carrying the burden by themselves. Without open and unbiased communication about this subject, our country will not find the strength to deal with the drug overdose epidemic. Considering the importance of educating our communities about a disease that torments more than 22 million individuals in the US every day, and also the urgency to support families struggling with drug addiction, Rose and Rebecca decided to start the Jeremy Castro Foundation. Learn more about the Jeremy Castro Foundation at www.jeremycastrofoundation.org.

Episode Notes





